Studio Hire

A practical guide to Covid-19 Shoot / Productions protocols 

In this section you will find exactly where in Perseverance Works the studios and meeting rooms for hire are situated. We have full fibre to premises connectivity across the site plus a one-gigabyte intranet affording direct connectivity to on site video edit and image retouch facilities. Plus wonderful coffee from our Court Yard pop up stall.

NOTE: Users of any of the studios listed below do so entirely at their own risk. The directors and Shareholders accept no liability for any damage to property or injury sustained.

Sound recording

Perseverance Works is a busy vibrant community situated around a courtyard, which at times amplifies and exaggerates day-to-day sound. PW features many lively creative businesses and this coupled with the fact that the buildings date back to Victorian times means there is an almost continual on going repairs and improvements programme. The directors of PWF Ltd accept no reasonability or liability for any person or organisation attempting to record sound for what ever purpose and will not suspend or delay any repair or improvement.

Vehicle access & parking

More Info

Vehicle Access: Via 25 Hackney Road E2 7NX. We DO NOT allow parking in the courtyard and surrounding alleyways.

Car Parking: Daily car parking available. Please contact Security on +44 020 7613 or +44 07704 143565 or

Car parking available at £21.00 including VAT per day. Card payments only.


More Info

Central Court yard
Tel: +44 020 7613 0604
Mob: +44 07704 143565

Security guards will deny entry to any contractors without written permission. Security guards will not accept any deliveries or look after keys, nor will they manage site facilities.

Waterson Street (Sat, Sun & after 7PM Mon-Fri)
Tel: +44 020 7729 4351
Mob: +44 07704 143565