Please note we have collections for our large 1100 litre Recycling green bins and grey / black general waste bins on
Monday Wednesday and Friday
No glass should be in these bins we have a separate provision for glass in the small blue wheelie bins
1/ Food waste only
2/ Glass Bottles only
3/ Mixed Recycling
4/ General waste
5/ Coffee grounds only
How the Bin System Works,
You must use the correct bin sacks all available from our security office in the main courtyard
Green is for Mixed Recycling ____ 3 large paladins ___
Black/Grey General waste _____ 3 large Paladins ___
Glass Only Blue ______________ 1 Small stand alone ___ Collected on demand
Food Only Brown ____________ 1 Small stand alone ___ Collected on demand
Coffee grounds Brown bin located at the opposite end of The Hanger (by the A/C Units) collected on demand.
We work with Paper Round, part of the BPR Group, one of London’s leading recycling and waste management businesses. Some of their clients achieve an average recycling rate of 65%, with best cases of 95%. Here at PW we need to move towards a greater percentage of recycling as both the financial and environmental costs continue to rise.
We now have both our green Recycling bins and our Grey/Black general waste collected 3 times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, usually during the morning.
Glass bottle collection Food Waste Only and Coffee ground bins are collected on demand ,
The food is taken to Biogen where combined with anaerobic digestion is converted into biogas and liquid bio fertiliser producing renewable electricity and helping to grow crops.
Paper Round are far more reliable with their collection times so there is never a need to put bin sacks on the ground in the bin area, please tell your cleaners!
Paper Round’s unique waste management collection service ensures that everything of value is reclaimed. They achieve this by taking the waste to a modern Energy from Waste plant where it is used to generate electricity. This ensures that nothing is sent to landfill, conserves resources and reduces CO2 emissions.
The Environment
Paper Round’s waste service helps us go beyond recycling and reduce our environmental impact further. Landfill is harmful to the environment and an unsustainable waste disposal method. Their general waste service converts your waste into electricity, improves your environmental performance and helps curb climate change.
Maximised diversion from landfill
Diverting non-recyclable materials from landfill is in line with the WRAP’s waste hierarchy and offers environmental and financial benefits by avoiding rising landfill tax costs which you pay on your service charges.
For why we need to recycle click here
General Waste
You buy the bin sacks and place them in the blue container.
Mixed Recyling

Collections Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Clear bin sacks from Security hut and place them in the green container.