You might spot one nestled between the plants in the courtyard, your eye caught by its black and white wings. Or perhaps you’ll see one lying in wait by the security cabin, ready to charge.
Since July, tenants at Perseverance Works have been fortunate enough to have two Twizys on site. Generously organised by Fearlessly Frank and provided by Renault, the electric vehicles have been available free-of-charge for all tenants wishing to zip to a meeting in the city or ease the daily commute.
Thanks to the Twizys, you could say PW has created its very own sharing economy. It makes sense. With initiatives such as the Bike Doctor in the courtyard, the recycling scheme and our continued dedication to the Zero Emissions Network, we have long been doing our bit to help the environment. And with Hackney one of London’s most polluted boroughs, it’s never been more important to think clean and green when it comes to travel. In this case, sharing really is caring.

The electric e-vehicles charge through a regular three-pin plug, and are able to run for around 50 miles on a single charge. Exempt from both road tax and congestion charge and available absolutely free of charge to PW tenants, not only is the Twizy environmental, it’s also a cheap way to get around.
There are two Twizys available. The first is a two-seater Urban 80, which has space for a passenger behind the driver. The second, a Cargo 80, has a generous storage space and is perfect for solo travel.
But they won’t be here forever, so now is your chance to take a Twizy for a spin! It only takes a couple of minutes to register and put your name on the insurance. So what are you waiting for?
To take a Twizy for a spin:
– Send a photo of your full driving licence to Mark Pearson-Freeland at Fearlessly Frank (
– Get an access code on the DVLA website ( and create a digital counterpart in place of paper counterpart
– Collect a key from Khagen!
It really is that easy. Still not convinced? Here’s the verdict from a few of our tenants:
“My first reaction to the Twizy was to smile. It’s a cute little car and looks fun, so when I was told PW folks could borrow it by getting signed onto the insurance I didn’t need any persuading.
A brief instruction was all that was needed, most useful was knowing that it unfortunately couldn’t use bus lanes or park for free 😂, but most usefully avoided the dreaded congestion charge.
My first trip was to use it for work, I’m a photographer and did manage to get a reasonable size tripod, a little lighting equipment, laptop and cameras into the 2 seater version successfully.”
– Andrew Twort
“Overall I loved it – it’s super nippy, great for London, and I carried quite a bit of stuff in the passenger seat.”
– Duncan Western
“The most fun I have ever had in a car. I have had to take all the kids on my road for a spin. They all keep asking when it is coming back.
White van drivers let me through.
Cab drivers love it.
I parked up in Soho, when I came back there was a crowd of people around it taking photos, it was like a paparazzi fest. The best review that I can give is that I am serious that I want to buy the two seater.”
– Dan Hubley
But remember, they will only be here for two more months. Now’s your chance!
Credit: Thank you to Belle and Page at Wilhelmina London for adding a touch of glamour to the photos!